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Marcel Kebekus – Skate Team

Hi, I'm Macl Kebe from Dortmund.

For a long time, I had little to do with inline skating or skatepark sports. However, I eventually discovered inline skating through a school musical.

Today, I am part of an amazing community, teach skate courses myself, and actively engage in various areas of skating.


Marcel Kebekus


1. Year of Birth:


2. When did I start skating?

In 2021

3. Personal Motto:


4. Why SkaMiDan?

„Because of the joy of skating and the happiness that comes with it. Thanks to the dedication, passion for skating, and the willingness to help other skaters.“

5. Why do I skate for SkaMiDan?

For me, SkaMiDan is the best place to go for skates. The shop team (Daniel and Wladi) know all their products and provide excellent advice.

I can confidently recommend SkaMiDan as a go-to shop, which is very important to me.

At SkaMiDan, I have a small, family-like team. Everyone knows each other, and I see part of the team every week while skating.

Together with the shop team, we as a team gain valuable insight into internal shop matters and products and are often asked for our opinions on decisions.

6. Skate disciplines:

Aggressive Inline Skating

7. Which skate discipline do I feel most comfortable with?

Aggressive Inline Skating

8. Favorite skate spots:


  • Skatepark Dortmund Hombruch
  • WickedWoods

9. Greatest achievement in skating?

Being able to inspire many more adults, teenagers, and kids to take up the sport during my skating journey.

10. Inspiration:

I simply enjoy it, and the joy of skating together inspires me to keep going.

11. Which trick impresses me the most?

True Fish (Aggressive Inline Skating)

12. Dream trick(s):

There are too many tricks I would love to learn, but I don't have that one special dream trick.

13. Favorite trick(s):

AlleyOop Mizou (Aggressive Inline Skating)

14. Favorite skate brand(s):

USD (Universal Skate Design)

15. Favorite skate(s):

USD Sway Sagona

16. Skate goal:

I don't have a specific goal that I could define. I love sharing my passion for skating and enjoy helping others learn inline skating.

17. Music while skating:

A bit of everything

  • From funk to hard rock.

18. What motivates me?

Always being able to learn something new and sharing my enthusiasm for the sport.

19. My tips and skate hacks for other skaters:

Just skate and have fun; the tricks will come naturally.

20. My first skate when I started:

Roces 5th Element YutoGoto

21. Favorite movie or series:

Star Wars Episode II – Attack of the Clones

22. Favorite food:

I don't have a specific favorite food.

23. Do I have other hobbies besides skating?

  • Pathfinding
  • Playing guitar
  • Listening to music (vinyl)
  • Playing cards (Magic: The Gathering)

24. What excites me about my other hobbies?

I've been a scout since 2009. The many adventures and shared experiences have always been a great escape for me and have given me many special moments.

Since 2018, I have also been an active leader. Even as an adult, there are still real adventures to experience.

I've been playing guitar and electric guitar since 2006. In addition to participating in the Jugend musiziert state competition, I've played with several bands in various genres.

This has made me a big music fan, and I love listening to different music while skating.

Recently, I discovered the trading card game Magic: The Gathering. It's a strategic card game where each card has a different function, similar to chess pieces.

I'm generally a fan of board games and game nights.

25. Fun fact / personal:

I'm a big fan of MagLite flashlights. That's why we founded a satirical working group called MagLife-AK.

During my most active skating period, I had to change my wheels almost every two weeks.

This was mainly due to the poor surface of my home skatepark.
As a result, I skated flat outdoors and continued using anti-rocker indoors to minimize outdoor wheel wear.

Marcel Kebekus – SkaMiDan Skate Team

The starting signal

Hi, I'm Macl Kebe from Dortmund.

For a long time, I actually had nothing to do with skatepark sports, but I eventually discovered inline skating through a school musical.

Back then, we performed a musical mashup, and one segment was Starlight Express – a musical from Bochum where the performers play trains and glide across the stage on roller skates and inline skates.

Skatepark Dortmund

After moving to Dortmund, I was lucky enough to have chosen a place to live right next to a skatepark by coincidence. I often spent time there with my free skates.

After discovering aggressive skating through social media, it didn’t take long before the skatepark became my second home.

There, I met many different people and kids, and friendships quickly formed. Even today, I still spend a lot of time skating with skateboarders, scooter riders, and bikers.

Friendships and SkaMiDan

In the beginning, I was the only inline skater around. Eventually, I got invited via Instagram to a "Blader Session" at the WickedWoods skatepark. That was the start of solid new friendships.

There, I met people like Jakob Esselmann (bl8der.jakob) and Thorben Schoen, with whom I am now proud to be part of the SkaMiDan team.

I could never have imagined back then that one day we would be skating on the same team – the SkaMiDan Skate Team.

Since 2020, I’ve been dedicating every free moment to my biggest passion: aggressive inline skating. As a result, WickedWoods and the Dortmund Hombruch Skatepark have become two very important places for me.


With HombruchLocal, we founded a community at our home skatepark in Dortmund Hombruch, promoting acceptance and tolerance for all types of roller sports.

A belief I still hold to this day – because it's simply more fun to skate together and learn from one another; #bettertogether.

We spent a lot of time together across different sports, breaking down barriers and supporting each other.

Thanks to our collaboration with the nearby Hombruch Youth Center, we were able to implement many cool projects for kids and teenagers, especially in the field of action sports.

Eventually, all of this led to the formation of an official club – Roll- und Skatesport Dortmund e.V..


Thanks to WickedWoods, I was given the opportunity to lead the inline skating courses there and pass on my passion for the sport to newcomers.

Together with Jakob, we aim to further expand the stunt inline skating course program in the future and promote our sport.

Joint projects like the BladerFarmJam are especially close to our hearts, as they focus on inspiring new and young people to join the sport and bringing the community together.

The openness of my friends and our shared passion for the sport have taught me to truly love it – no matter whether someone is on a scooter, inline skates, a bike, or a skateboard.

A big thank you

At this point, I’d like to thank everyone who has been with me on this journey – those who make our sessions and everything beyond them unforgettable highlights, time and time again.

We may all practice an individual sport, each in our own way, but we are never alone and always support each other as a community.

My favorite skate disciplines

Aggressive Inline Skating

A belief I still live by today: It's simply more fun to skate together.

We learn from each other, motivate one another, and grow together – #bettertogether.

Belgium Tour 2023 – First Stop

Together with Jakob Esselmann and Benni Meier, I traveled through Belgium, exploring amazing skate spots and parks while experiencing unforgettable moments on our skates.

With this video, we invite you to share in our excitement and action – let’s experience the passion for skating together!

Belgium Tour 2023 – Second Stop

At our second stop, things really turned up the heat!


My favorite skate disciplines

Fitness & Urban Inline Skating

As a welcome change from Aggressive Inline Skating, it's definitely worth trying out different frames. One particularly exciting experience for me was testing the KIZER Trimax Big Wheel Frame.

And what can I say? The speed on the big wheels brings an entirely new riding sensation and delivers a serious adrenaline rush!

Urban Inline Skating

KIZER Trimax 3x110 – Big Wheel Blading on a sunny winter day

2025_01_Marcel Kebekus_Macl Kebe_Willkommen im SkaMiDan Team_Welcome to Team SkaMiDan KIZER Trimax Big Wheel Blading 3x110_DEU

Further impressions

Skating & Friends


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